Hello Jonathan!
I just wanted to stop by your blog and say hi, as well as thank you for the link exchange.
I've been watching and reviewing some of Kershner's early films (A Fine MAdness and S*P*Y*S) lately myself and enjoying them. My favorite Kershner film is still The Eyes of Laura Mars, but I've never seen The Luck of Ginger Coffey and it sounds really interesting. Great review! You've made me curious about seeing the film myself.
Cinebeats | | Email | Homepage | 08.03.07 - 1:06 am | #
Thanks for the comment. I enjoy your site very much. I came to it by way of Dennis' SLIFR. I enjoy the sites that give me an historical perspective like yours and Dennis' (and several others).
While I certainly do famous films here (like The Right Stuff recently and Barry Lyndon coming on Monday) I try to highlight underseen films and performances, or at least if their well-known, undervalued.
Thanks for your link as well,
Jonathan Lapper | | Email | Homepage | 08.03.07 - 3:38 pm |