An excellent and very thought-provoking contribution Jonathan! This is one topic that I can debate on for days endlessly but still wont make a difference. Coming to cinematic terms, your choice of films for the double shot are unusual and incredibly profound. This is turning out to be a fantastic little blogathon. Thank you for this wonderful post.
Gautam | | Email | Homepage | 10.23.07 - 7:35 am | #
Gautam, Thanks! I'm so glad you liked it. I'm really happy to take part as it provided for a wonderful opportunity to highlight these two docs which I have thought of together as complementary pieces ever since Jesus Camp came out. Thanks for giving me the chance to write it all down.
Jonathan Lapper | | Email | Homepage | 10.23.07 - 8:00 am | #
Jonathan, I really enjoyed the huckster language at the beginning of the post. Your segue to a serious consideration of the films was perfect. I have heard of Jesus Camp, but The God Who Wasn't There is a new find. I hope to catch your double bill soon. Thanks!
Marilyn Ferdinand | | Email | Homepage | 10.23.07 - 10:36 am | #
Thanks so much. I'm glad you enjoyed the piece. My original intention was to do one or the other: Either the poster/program bill bit or the serious consideration bit. Then I thought as long as it's intended for a double-bill-a-thon why not double up and do both. Thanks again.
Jonathan Lapper | | Email | Homepage | 10.23.07 - 2:05 pm | #